29 Maret 2012

Model Builder Arc Gis

I.  Introduction
        Growth in rice production this time farmers developed from years of research and the State than by population growth, Because the rice is the main meal of the various regions, especially in Indonesia, rice production research studies to be one of the major to match balanced growth and rice production. Most of the studies relative to use national penlitian program. challenge now is to determine areas suitable for agriculture.
      Coupled with new technologies such as GIS tasks will be young researchers. There are many definitions to explain what actually GIS or Geographic Information Systems. GIS is defined as a computer package that integrates storage, definition, analysis, modeling and digital mapping of spatial information; another reference is defined as an organized activity in which people measure and represent geographic phenomena then transform these representations into other forms while interacting with social structures. By utilizing GIS technology researchers will be easier to determine a more suitable area for rice production, even the GIS software also has a toolbox that can further facilitate the researchers, the model builder is a toolbox that can build a model for suitability of paddy field, the researchers build of the model builder can use the model with different areas without having to repeat the step from the beginning so that researchers can get spatial information about the suitability of land quickly.

            II .  Objective
The objective of this study area to identify the potential area for paddy field using model builder

Model Builder


15 Maret 2012

Cara Install Erdas

Erdas adalah salah satu software yang saya gunakan untuk mengolah data citra. Yang menjadi kendala adalah ketika hendak menginstall software bnyak user tidak mengetahui step untuk menginstallnya.
 Adapaun Step stepnya sebagai berikut :

Install Setup
Copy license,Erdas,n Erdas IMAGINE 9.1 to (c:/Program file/Leica Geosystem/Shared/Bin/NTx86
Choose FlexLM Tools
Choose Config Services
Panggil data Imgrd dan Lisence yang di (c)
Choose start/stop reread
Clik erdas/ start server
Run the Program
Isi license dengan localhost
Ok selamat menikmati..

Cara Install Arc view di Windows 7 64 bit

Cara install Arc view d windows 64 bit

Arcview adalah salah satu software yang saya gunakan untuk mengolah / membuat peta. Yang menjadi kendala adalah ketika hendak menginstall di OS windows 7 64 bit. Ketika di install di windows 7 32 bit, dengan compatibility mode bisa di install dengan baik. Setelah googling kesana kemari n tanya kemari kesana akhirnya dapat trik nih supaya bisa di install di win7 64 bit.

  1. Install arcview di windows xp atw cari laptop teman anda yg sudah install arc view.

  1. Salin folder ESRI (pathnya c:\ESRI\Av_GIS30) dan buat folder ESRI pada drive (c) dan copy folder Av_GIS30  ke dalam, jika sdh punya langsung sj copy ke dalam folder ESRI. Eq :(c:\ESRI\Av_GIS30) di windoows 7 64 bit

  1. Salin folder ESRI di X:\Program Files\Common Files\ESRI kmudian tempel di C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\

  1. Anda juga masih harus meng-copy ESRI font dan juga copy registry yang terdapat di HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI pada Windows 32 bit ke Windows 64 bit. Dengan mengklik kanan folder ESRI/Export..

  1. Buka regedit pada Windows 64bit “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE”  pilih file/ import trus import data yg anda export tadi dari Windows 32 bit

  1. Dan kemudian pergi ke c: \ ESRI \ AV_GIS30 \ ArcView \ BIN32 \ dan klik onArcView.exe

  1.  Selamat menikmati..